I miss so many things these days.
First and foremost, friends and family abroad. With these travel restrictions, I feel I am in a cage. A pleasant one, for sure, safe and sound, with family, and we have lots of joy together. It could be much worse, I know.
I cannot complain…
But still…
I miss traveling.
I miss eating out.
I miss zillion other things.
But today, I had a moment…
A moment when I pretended everything was ok.
When I could believe everything would be all right again.
I have no idea when.
I have no idea how.
For a few minutes, while drinking this take-away coffee, first time after more than three months (feels forever!) — I could pretend.
<img decoding="async" src="https://aghy.me/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/cappuccino.jpg" alt="" class="wp-image-99 lazyload" width="375" height="503"/>
To feel a little bit of “normal”, I have to pretend…
We all have to.
So when you have your next coffee today, close your eyes with the first sip and pretend… I’ll be there in spirit.